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Commercial Thermal Imaging Services

Thermal Imaging


Don't wait for an unplanned outage before performing data center infrared thermography on your critical support infrastructure. It is a must and should be seriously considered in your regular preventive maintenance schedule.


Abnormal heating associated with high resistance or excessive current flow is the main cause of many problems in electrical systems. Infrared thermography allows us to see these invisible thermal signatures of impending damage before the damage occurs. When current flows through an electric circuit, part of the electrical energy is converted into heat energy. This is normal. But, if there is an abnormally high resistance in the circuit or abnormally high current flow, abnormally high heat is generated which is wasteful, potentially damaging and not normal.


Thermal Imaging

Ohm's law (P=I2R) describes the relationship between current, electrical resistance, and the power or heat energy generated. We use high electrical resistance for positive results like heat in a toaster or light in a light bulb. However sometimes unwanted heat is generated that result in costly damage. Under-sized conductors, loose connections or excessive current flow may cause abnormally high unwanted heating that result in dangerously hot electrical circuits. Components can literally become hot enough to melt.


Infrared Solutions cameras enable us to see the heat signatures associated with high electrical resistance long before the circuit becomes hot enough to cause an outage or explosion. Be aware of two basic thermal patterns associated with electrical failure:

1) a high resistance caused by poor surface contact and 2) an over loaded circuit or multi-phase imbalance problem.


Commonly inspected components











Typical reasons for temperature hotspots or deviations


•       Unbalanced loads

•       Harmonics (3rd harmonic current in Neutral)

•       Overloaded systems/excessive current

•       Loose or corroded connections increased resistance in the circuit

         (typically one side of components heats up)

•       Underspecified components (like fuses) would heat up on both side of the fuse

•       Wiring mistakes

•       Component failure

•       Insulation failure


Cables & Connections



Battery Banks

Fuse Boxes

Circuit Breakers



(3 Phase) Power Distribution


Relays / Switches


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